Did you know, we LOVE featuring real-life Dura Supreme projects by our Dealers and crediting our dealers/designers for their incredible work?
If you’d like your design or home to be featured by Dura Supreme Cabinetry, click the button below.
The Dura Supreme Press Room provides one convenient location for authorized Dura Supreme dealers and members of the press to access copyrighted images, logo files, and press releases to support their efforts.
See what’s happening from Dura Supreme Cabinetry! Dura Supreme’s press releases and announcements can be supplied to media outlets seeking newsworthy content. This information can also be utilized for online content (i.e. website, blog, etc.).
Authorized Dura Supreme Dealers are authorized to use our copyrighted stock photography and logos. You can download a collection of our most popular images here and forward to your graphic designer, or direct your graphic designer to download the images here.
For beautiful stock photography of completed kitchens, baths, etc., see our stock photo library on DropBox at the link below.
Download Stock Photography Files
If you’re looking to create a mood board or need images of our door styles, finishes, and product details, see our Product Photo library on DropBox at the link below.
Note: This information is copyrighted and is only to be used by authorized Dura Supreme dealers to promote and advertise Dura Supreme cabinetry. Photography must be credited to Dura Supreme Cabinetry. If you are a member of the press or dealer looking for additional photography or information, please contact Mandi Juskiewicz at mandij@durasupreme.com or (888) 711-3872 ext. 4542.
The Dura Supreme logo is available for use by Authorized Dura Supreme dealers only for use in advertising and promoting Dura Supreme cabinetry. We supply our logo files here in JPG, EPS (vector), and PNG file formats. Our logo is available in a horizontal or vertical format, with a black background or white background. Select the file type to download the appropriate logo files.
Did you know, we LOVE featuring real-life Dura Supreme projects by our Dealers and crediting our dealers/designers for their incredible work?
If you’d like your design or home to be featured by Dura Supreme Cabinetry, click the button below.
If you’re an authorized Dura Supreme Dealer, login here to view and save your favorites.